We LOVE resistance bands. Firstly, they’re cheap and you can take them anywhere. Secondly, they add more resistance to your exercises, whether you’re training with weights or doing bodyweight exercises – meaning they push you a little bit harder, activate your muscles more, and give you more bang for your buck.
Like anything new in your routine, you’re probably wondering where to start. That’s why we’re turning the endless possibilities of resistance band workouts into 5 lower body exercises you can jump into today to strengthen your glutes.
What are resistance bands?
Resistance bands are basically a giant elastic band. The harder you pull, the tougher it gets. By adding these to exercises, just like using dumbbells, you’re forcing your muscles to have to work harder.
Resistance bands are great to add to your workouts because:
Control: they force you to control the movement better with each rep.
Versatile: you can apply them to any muscle group - in the case of this article we’re focusing on the glutes.
Practical: the bands can be used freestyle with nothing more than an exercise mat.
Progression: you can step up to full body workouts by using attachments to hook onto doors.
Different! Adding a new dimension into your workouts keeps things fun and exciting - just what you need on the days when you’re not quite as motivated.
Top tip: If this is your first time using resistance bands, go for a ‘lighter weight’ band to ease you in. You can progress up to higher weights as you get used to them.
Banded exercises for stronger glutes
Let's get into it! Aim for 10-15 reps of these exercises to get started, and repeat each set 2-3 times. 💪
#1 Banded sumo squats

Prepare to feel the squat-based burn that little bit more by throwing resistance bands into the mix! You’ll be working all 3 glute muscles (maximus, medius and minimus) with a banded squat. You’re also going to tap into your core, quads and hamstrings.
💡How to:
Place the resistance band around your legs, just above your knees.
Keep your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
Lower your hips and back as you bend your knees (make sure you keep your back flat and don’t let your knees bend inward).
Push back up into your starting position - and repeat.
#2 Seated hip abductions

This exercise is really good at completely isolating the glute muscles and therefore making it 100% glute focused. By leaning slightly forward and pushing the knees out we are activating the glutes even more. Trust me, this looks easy, but it defintiely isn't!
💡How to:
Start off by putting your band around your legs, just above your knees.
Sit on a chair with a straight back and feet hip width apart. Hold your hands together in front of you.
Move to the edge of the chair and lean slightly forward
Push your knees out as wide as you can and bring them back in in a controlled pace.
Repeat this movement.
#3 Glute bridge with hip abduction
A great glute exercise for reducing back and knee pain too, this will even help you perform better on other glute-strengthening workouts such as squats. The most well-known glute exercise, this also engages all 3 glute muscles.
💡How to:
Lie on your back with your resistance band around your legs, just above your knees.
Bend your knees, keep your arms straight by your side, and raise your hips till they line up with your knees.
Push your knees out to the side, tightening the resistance band further
Lower your hips back down and then repeat the glute bridge.
#4 Banded side steps
You will really get the blood pumping with this exercise. As well as a strength-building exercise for your glutes you'll also work all the stabilising muscles in your legs and around your knees. Perfect if you have knee pain or want to build stronger knees and legs too.
💡How to:
Place the resistance band around your legs, just above your knees.
Bring your hips back into a half squat position. Keep your back straight and chest forward.
In a controlled pace, take a big step to one side. Push your knee out as much as you can while doing this. You don't want your knee to cave in!
Keep walking as many steps as you can to one side, beore going back the other way.
Remember to stay down in a half squat the whole time.
#5 Banded duck walks
With a name like that, how can you resist trying the duck walk? Also known as tube walking, this super simple move works your glutes, hips and knees to allow excellent control when performing other exercises, helping to keep you injury free.
💡How to:
Place your resistance band around your legs, just above your knees.
Lower yourself into a squat position, but be sure to keep your back upright.
Clasp your hands together and take sturdy but strong steps forward and backwards.
Build stronger glutes with this workout
Okay okay hopefully we've given you a little taste of what an efficient glute workout with resistance bands can look like. Resistance bands are a fantastic way to step up your workouts and build stronger, toned glutes without much equipment needed.
To really ensure you keep building upon this progress, we recommend trying out the trainn app. It builds personalised workout plans to achieve the results you deserve. With the support of your own in-app Personal Trainer and weekly check-ins, you'll never run out of great workouts again.
If you're ready to start building stronger glutes (at home or in the gym), click below to download the trainn app. You'll be ready in 2 minutes: